A Turkish-made drama and comedy television series written by Ekin Atalar, directed by Deniz Çelebi Dikilitaş and signed by Search My Manager, Ay Yapım. Blending drama and comedy, the series centers on four managers living with their assistants at a prestigious talent agency. With each episode, actors from the cinema and TV series industry join the series as guests and play themselves. Based on the French TV series Dix pour cent. Kanalımızda güncel Türk dizilerinin analizleri, son dakika gelişmeleri ve incelemelerini bulabilirsiniz.Yorumlarda sizlerle birlikte tartışacağız ve gündemden uzak kalmamanızı sağlayacağız.Favori dizileriniz için abone olup takipte kalın. Desteklemek için like atmayı unutmayın.
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Have a nice day.Four managers, named Kıraç (Barış Falay), Feris (Canan Ergüder), Çınar (Fatih Artman) and Peride (Ayşenil Şamlıoğlu), affiliated with the talent agency Ego, deal with difficult situations every day and defend their business visions. They skillfully combine art and business, but their private and professional lives sometimes come into conflict. The managers and their assistants take us behind the scenes of the wild world of famous actors; where laughter, emotions, intrigue, disappointment and tears constantly collide. Dicle (Ahsen Eroğlu), who entered this wild world for the first time, says that I am in the war, starting from the bottom, against personalities whose ego is higher than their height.