Series Turkish

Murat is a sergeant in the Homicide department. He looks tough but really has a side to his character that doesn’t take life very seriously. The only thing he is serious about is his work. He attracts attention wherever he goes with the stories he tells, the songs he hums and his charisma. He laughs at people who say that cops like him are dying out. According to him, every rooster should rule its own roost. Nazlı is a young sergeant who has finished her education with distinctions and awards and has studied abroad. As she is the well-educated daughter of a rich family, her insistence on being a police officer makes a lot of people curious. She refuses better positions that would look good on her CV and insists on being in the field like a regular sergeant. Her greatest dream is to work in the homicide department. Murat and Nazlı, who knew they wouldn’t get on the minute they met, learn from their boss that they will work together. According to Murat, this is impossible. This rookie fresh out of school and who claims to know it all is going to be nothing but a hindrance. For Nazlı, the situation pretty much the same. She cannot work with this rude man who doesn’t know how to talk to anyone politely and is sexist to boot. Murat can’t help laughing to himself whenever he looks at Nazlı. He is sure she will not last more than a few days in this problematic part of Istanbul. All he needs to do is be patient. It won’t be long before Nazlı gives up in tears and wants to transfer to a desk job. These two police officers who are as different from eachother as black and white have one point in common. Solving every murder, catching the killers and closing the case… And to do this, they must learn to work together.