Artists News Words that tell why his fans love Halil İbrahim Ceyhan so much!

Words that tell why his fans love Halil İbrahim Ceyhan so much!


Halil İbrahim Ceyhan, who suddenly became known to the masses with his performance in the series Emanet, did a good job in the series project called Kirli Sepeti last season.

The actor, who has fans not only in Turkey but also in many countries around the world, will meet the audience with another series project in the new season.

It has been revealed that Halil İbrahim Ceyhan will also take part in the series called Hayat Hırsızı, which is being prepared for the Now television channel.

Cemre Baysel, Alperen Duymaz, Gonca Vuslateri, Cengiz Bozkurt and Zeyno Eracar are also notable names in the series.

Halil İbrahim Ceyhan will portray the character named Tufo in his new project. The actor attracted attention on social media once again with the statements he made during the program he attended on the Gain platform.

The actor, who talked about the interest shown by his fans and said that he values ​​it very much, made the following statements:

“They find me different books. They are nice, interesting. Some call me Pasha, some call me King. They send letters, I collect those letters. I refer to the people who love me as my family. Because there is an unrequited love. As you know, families also love unrequitedly. In this regard, they also come to me like that, they are happy with your good side, your bad side, your mistakes or your successes. They try to touch you in some way, and no one else does that except your family.”