Series News World success of Turkish TV series! Approximately 600 million viewers must have watched a Turkish series!

World success of Turkish TV series! Approximately 600 million viewers must have watched a Turkish series!

Series Turkish

Turkish TV series are watched with great interest in hundreds of countries around the world as well as in our country.

Turkish productions, which have almost turned into a global success story, are followed especially in South American countries, Spain, China and Russia and reach all over the world.

In the sector, where hundreds of dramas are produced every year, even though many serials are canceled in Turkey, they continue to be in demand abroad. The export of most of the productions that have been canceled continues.

A news item in Diez Munitos, the famous tabloid magazine famous for its sensational news in Spain, touched upon the impact of Turkish TV series in the world.

The magazine, which is famous for its sensational news, featured a news story about the impact of Turkish TV series in the world and in Spain. The news includes a wide range of information, from the characteristics of the scenarios, the creation of their own star names to the increase in travels to Turkey.

According to the information shared by Sina Koloğlu on his social media account; In the article in the magazine, it is stated that approximately 600 million viewers around the world have watched a Turkish series until today.

It is also noteworthy that not only cities and historical places in Turkey, but also some districts are known through these TV series. As an example to this subject, Tarlabaşı, where Bahar sits, is shown in the TV series Kadın (Woman). The district has become a place known all over the world thanks to the TV series.