Actors - Actresses Who is Hazal Şenel? Where is she from – Height – Age – TV Series – Family

Who is Hazal Şenel? Where is she from – Height – Age – TV Series – Family

Hazal Şenel was born on 17 June 1992 in Istanbul. Turkish TV series, cinema and theater actress.

Name: Hazal Şenel
Date of Birth: 17 June 1992
Place of Birth: Istanbul
Height: 1.69 m.
Weight: 54 kilos
Sign: Sagittarius
Eye color: Brown
Pets: She has a cat.

Childhood years: She was a very active child. Her desire to be an actress started when she wanted to go on stage to hug a crying man in a theater play she went to at the age of 7. “I remember I couldn’t go on stage in the middle of the play and my mom said, ‘If you’re an actress, you can go on stage. The next one came with what I wanted. Being in such early stages made me mature faster than usual. I was with adult people all the time. In terms of time, it also allowed me to have a lot of experience for my age. Of course, it cannot be said that I could live my childhood to the fullest with that intensity. My days were usually scheduled after school, including weekends. I had a brisk childhood when I said city theaters, state opera ballet and additional school activities and homework. I had a very active childhood. I was getting out of bed and jogging for activities until bedtime. My energy was just too much. I don’t remember playing hopscotch or hide-and-seek on the street, but I didn’t say ‘Oh man, I couldn’t live my childhood’, I’m happy with my achievements. If I had to start over, I would still choose this life.”

Education life: She graduated from Hüseyin Aycibin Primary School and Yeni Levent High School. “My adventure started with Kanal D’s PAM kids club. Afterwards, I realized that I love the stage, I took theater lessons from Birol Engeler and took the City Theaters exam. And my education life started at Muhsin Ertuğrul City Theatre. Of course, I also have education at the State Opera and Ballet.”

The first step into acting: She started her television adventure with the character of “Kıvılcım”, which she played in the TV series “Selena” at a young age.

Which project did she shine with? She attracted attention with the character of “Melodi Kuzu”, which she portrayed in the TV series “Türk Malı”.

Personality traits: Compatible, energetic, does not tolerate ‘lie’. “Everyone has red lines. The only thing I can say ‘it can never happen in my life’ is a lie. Besides, I don’t have much of a red line, since lying also creates a big trust problem. Catching fame as a child; It didn’t add any air or ego to me other than being loved. Actually, a little ego would be nice for me, it would suit me.

Social: “I’m a Gemini. That’s why I have a production that suddenly crashes while I spend half my day energetically. I am compatible, my friends call me ‘it doesn’t matter, Hazal’. I have a domestic character. I love spending time at home. I am not a person open to change, I want everything to continue as I am used to. I have sudden attacks; I might want to go to Sarıyer from the Anatolian side to eat sausage and bread at 3 am.”

Her view of love: She has been in love with actor and singer Bertan Allani, whom she met on the set of the TV series “Pis Yedili”. “I think love; mood changes for everyone. I can never generalize myself. I don’t believe that love alone is strong either. I don’t really believe in love at first sight. I like love matured with effort, memories, dreams and confidence. Bertan; He is a very energetic character. It was that aspect that complemented me in the first place. I loved everything after that. The roadmap to a happy togetherness is definitely trust, friendship and respect. I think it is impossible to have an unhappy relationship where these three exist. We met Bertan on the set of ‘Pis Yedili’, where we were co-stars. Bertan was a very good and understanding partner. Our relationship started shortly after the series finale.”

First feature film: Gani Müjde / Osmanlı Cumhuriyeti

What she would like to be if she weren’t an actress: She says she’d be a veterinarian if she wasn’t an actress. “Because I have an extreme interest and love for animals. I love being with them and spending time with them.”

Her perspective on business life: She took part in unforgettable TV series such as ‘Selena’, ‘Türk Malı’, ‘Pis Yedili’. Most recently, she came to the screen with the series “Elimi Bırakma”, which made its finale in 2019. “They were projects that all seemed to be in the same tone but were very different to experience. My last job ‘Elimi Bırakma’ was actually good for me. Because being on a drama set reinforced my interest in my work. I think that’s the best part of our job. Diverse and open. I love comedy, but my interest in other genres has increased as well. Of course, this role stuck with me as I have played comedy in many jobs until now. That’s why I’ve been in trouble for the last three years and I’ve distanced myself. Because I love drama too. I also want to play a strong female character. I didn’t do anything during the pandemic, I couldn’t. I’m trying to be extra careful this period because I have bronchitis. The finale of ‘Elimi Bırakma’ was actually just before the pandemic. I am currently reading a script, and I want to go on the set again with a project that appeals to me. I miss the sets. At the same time, excitement, running, improving myself…

Career plan: When she entered the industry, she was not aware that she had acquired a profession because she was very young. She wants to act in more movies in the future. “It was like a game to me. Especially the ‘Selena’ drama set. I’m just 29 years old. And I had the opportunity to meet and work with very valuable people in many projects. I played many characters and they naturally gave me a lot. Considering the structure of my work, I can say that I am at the beginning of the road. A movie is a permanent work, not like a TV series. That’s why, of course, movies, but thanks to TV series, you have the opportunity to get to know many people from the industry. Every team you meet becomes like another family of yours. They both have different taste. As much as I like comedy as a genre, I think I express myself more easily in drama. Yes, it’s hard to make you laugh, but it’s also hard to make you cry…”

Dreaming of the Future: She wants to bring strong female characters to life on screen. “I actually had the opportunity to watch a lot of TV series and movies during the pandemic period. I’m so high on strong female characters. Maybe because I enjoyed it too much. That’s why I started doing photo shoots with Erkan. Erkan Balkan is both my friend and a photographer whose eyes I admire very much. We create characters that are close to the characters I want to play. I don’t have a red line in acting. For me it’s a matter of taking the shape of the container you’re in. I don’t have red lines for any project I believe in. I think the most important thing here is how much the actor owns and wants the role. Of course, how much he believes in the role. Actually, I was looking more role-oriented until now. I guess that’s why I played mostly comedy jobs. Normally, I enjoyed playing funny characters because I’m a calm person. I want to try heavier characters that I can play my age. I hope and wish to have an exciting project that will make you forget this different, stagnant and frightening year for me as it is for everyone else. I guess every actor wants to crown his performance with an award. In other words, we should never say, ‘Okay, I’m a very good player’. 20 years later, I am one of those who always think that “it can be better”. That’s why I have a goal and no limits. As I said, everyone wants their performance crowned! For this purpose, I prefer to take firm steps in my career.

Concerns: She is experiencing the difficulties of being a woman in the industry. “It has its hard parts. Inevitably, a man and a woman are not treated the same. Male actors are treated with a more subdued character, but if you’re a woman, you’re also playing an absurd character; they are able to establish a more intimate and lax relationship with you. Although they still treat me as a child actor when I go to a new set.”

What does she do at home? “The pandemic has really changed us all. For example, I have evolved structurally. Normally, I was a high-level householder who spent a lot of time at home. Being unable to leave the house was not an issue that I had a hard time with at first. But I realized that I have been spending a lot of time at home until now during the pandemic process. As soon as I got back to normal, I decided to do a lot more activities. When I don’t have a set, I spend my day resting at home or spending time with my friends, depending on the week’s tiring.”

How does she keep her shape? She pays attention to the consumption of fruits and vegetables. “Other than that, I’m not very controlling, but I try to be as careful as I can. Let’s just say I’m good with sports. I give myself away from time to time. Although, there is a system that I try to put into my life on a regular basis during this period. I’m working with Muhabbet Ceneoğlu and it’s going great for now.

Does she follow fashion? She prefers comfort in her clothing. “I think I’m just getting a little comfortable most of the time. But I can’t stay away from trends either. I have some knowledge, but I can say that I am not interested. I can’t break away from the pieces I’m used to. I have special clothes in which I feel peaceful. I choose the colors of my clothes according to my mood. Brand or not is not an important detail for me. I usually wear sports clothes in my daily life. Even though I don’t like to wear multicolored clothes, I can’t say no to colorful clothes because I’m a Gemini.”

Does she use social media actively? She follows social media, sometimes a lot, sometimes less. “Because that is the field where we can get the fastest reaction in what we do. I am a person who attaches great importance to style. And I think that attitude, not school, determines education and level in people. I read and evaluate well-written reviews. For example, messages come from Instagram, saying, ‘Sister, I was younger while watching you and I’m still watching’. This means that the majority in the 20-25 age range know me. In fact, I appeal to the children of today, as their repetitions are still given.”


2006/2009- Selena/ Kıvılcım Aykar

2010/ 2011- Türk Malı/ Melodi Kuzu

2011/2014- Pis Yedili / Salça

2017- İçimdeki Fırtına/ Yeşim

2017- İki Yalancı/ Burcu

2017/2018- Bahtiyar Ölmez/ Nuran

2019-Elimi Bırakma/Şirin Dalındagüzel


2008- Osmanlı Cumhuriyeti/ cashier

2015- Hannâs: Karanlıkta Saklanan/ Elif

2016- Bizans Oyunları: Geym of Bizans/ Çiğ Börek

2018- Aşk Masalı /Müge (TV Film)