Artists News Hazal Şenel has changed a lot

Hazal Şenel has changed a lot

Series Turkish

The famous actress Hazal Şenel, on the last TRT1 screen, gave life to the character of Sirin in the series of ‘Don’t Give Up My Hand’ in 2019. Hazal Şenel, who started her career with the series Selena, who marked a period, had a great change from those days.

The actress, remembered with her curly hair, now has a completely different image.

Those who see the old and new versions of Hazal Şenel cannot be surprised.

She, who plays the character of Salça in the series titled Pis Yedili, also played in some movies.

Hazal Şenel shares the latest version from her instagram account. Its fans are very surprised to see the change it has undergone since.

Hazal Şenel, who loves love with Macedonian pop singer Bertan Asllani, also pays attention to stay away from eyes.