Artists News Aslı Bekiroğlu is a cover girl

Aslı Bekiroğlu is a cover girl

sule sule

Finally, Aslı Bekiroğlu, who plays in the series My Sweet Lie, is meeting with her fans through social media posts, although she is not currently in the series. Aslı Bekiroğlu posted plenty of photos on vacation she went with her lover during the summer season.

In the photos he published recently, it was seen that the actress was very thin. Bekiroğlu got a fit body with a tight workout. In her posts, her followers praised her new state.

Aslı Bekiroğlu, who made happy posts on her Instagram account, said in a previous post that while gaining the appreciation of her followers due to her weight, she easily wore the skirt she had difficulty wearing in summer.

This time, the actress gave an interview to a magazine. It was also featured on the cover of the magazine. She shared this cover on her Instagram page and gained the appreciation of her followers.

Here is that sharing …

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・ ・ ・
Women’s Shine November issue with Aslı Bekiroğlu on the cover is on air! Have a nice reading.
Interview: Seray Yazıcıoğlu Ezmiş @sryzcglu
Ayse Cagla
Photo: Emre Karataşoğlu @marrekaratasoglu
Styling: Ali Arısoy @aliarisso
Makeup: Burcu Taş @burkhu
Hair: Mehmet Bayrakdar @mehmetbyrakdar
@icontalentofficial # aslıbekiroğlu