Artists News The movie starring Aslı Bekiroğlu will break the prejudice against Gypsy people!

The movie starring Aslı Bekiroğlu will break the prejudice against Gypsy people!

Series Turkish

The countdown for the movie Hayatımız Roman, which was shot in the gypsy neighborhood of Çanakkale Lâpseki by Altın Adam media production and master director Savaş Sancak, has begun.

The movie titled Hayatımız Roman (Our Life is Gypsy), supported by all Roma federations in Turkey, meets its audience on March 8. Aslı Bekiroğlu, one of the leading actors in the movie “Hayatımız Roman”, will appear before the movie lovers with the character of Öykü, as an education officer, a sane, monotonous person, generally away from adventure and preferring her own safe space.

Successful actress Aslı Bekiroğlu said, “If novels ruled this world, we would live in a just world full of music and entertainment.”

Aslı Bekiroğlu, who stayed in the Gypsy neighborhood during the shooting process for the movie “Hayatımız Roman”, which was shot by painting and lighting the buildings of 8 different Gypsy neighborhoods and turning them into a giant plateau, explained the following details:

“They are very nice people. I also saw a different culture. I enjoyed it very much. They are sincere, helpful, friendly and I have never seen a more cheerful team in my life.”

Adding that the movie shot in the Gypsy neighborhood turned into fun rather than work, Aslı Bekiroğlu said, “It was very enjoyable to spend time with them.”

Aslı Bekiroğlu emphasized, “I think it is a film for everyone from 7 to 70, I have no doubt that it will remove the prejudices against Roma people,” and concluded her words with the statement that a different and special production is coming to the theaters.