Series News Welcome to the new era at Sen Çal Kapımı, Hande Erçel’ beauty is breathtaking!

Welcome to the new era at Sen Çal Kapımı, Hande Erçel’ beauty is breathtaking!

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Sen Çal Kapımı, one of the series that reflects the summer energy on Fox TV screens, continues on its way with its second season. The fact that Kerem Bürsin and Hande Erçel, who are in the lead roles in the series, are also in love in their real lives, makes the story even more interesting.

Sen Çal Kapımı fans think that there are 8 episodes left for the final and every episode is valuable and they will be on the screen again. A new era begins in the 43rd new episode of the series. Serkan has learned that Kiraz is his own daughter, and it is certain that we will watch a completely different story from now on…

Hande Erçel will shine again in the character of Eda. The actress, who displayed both her beauty and elegance in white, was also highly appreciated by her fans during her vacation between the sets. The actress took her place in the TV series Sen Çal Kapımı with scenes that showcase her beauty. So what will happen in the new episode?

Fans of the series are eagerly waiting for the innovations. You will see the change of Serkan character. Here are the details from the 43rd episode: Serkan learned that Kiraz is his own daughter, but he thinks that he is not ready to be a father to her. This decision of Serkan causes Eda to experience great disappointment and anger.

Meanwhile, Kiraz disappears on her birthday. Although everyone is mobilized to find Kiraz
There is no trace of the Kiraz. Eda is afraid that something has happened to Kiraz. Where is she?