Artists News What is the most disliked love tactic of Demet Özdemir and Şükrü Özyıldız, the partners of the movie Love Tactics, which broke the watch record on Netflix?

What is the most disliked love tactic of Demet Özdemir and Şükrü Özyıldız, the partners of the movie Love Tactics, which broke the watch record on Netflix?

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Demet Özdemir and Şükrü Özyıldız, the lead actors of the movie Love Tactics, which was broadcast on Netflix last week and broke the viewership record, gave an interview to Hakan Gence from the Hürriyet Newspaper.

Love Tactics tells the story of a blogger who thinks he ‘unlocks men’ and a advertiser who thinks he ‘solves women’. Şükrü Özyıldız and Demet Özdemir also made candid statements about their love lives in the interview.

Demet Özdemir, In my opinion, there should be no tactics in love. Of course, there may be moments that are not in hand… But if there is no tactic in love, I think that a more solid and healthy relationship can be experienced.

The more open and comfortable you are with the person you meet, the more positive feedback you get. Sometimes, when people see tactics, they may like it, “I guess he cares, is he going after something?”

Şükrü Özyıldız; “I don’t do it tactic, I am against such things, but now a 34-year-old Şükrü is speaking. There was also adolescence. When I think of those times, we did everything. With each passing year, our views, our view of life change. At the point where I am now, I never use tactics. If you use tactics, you will be caught. Everyone actually understands, but some pretend not to understand just to keep the game going.” made the statement.

The duo also stated that they do not like the ‘jealousy tactic’ in their relationship and that they find it very dangerous. Are you a couple romantic? They answered the question by expressing their opinions about each other.

Demet Özdemir said, “I have not seen a romance with Şükrü, but it is really fun and funny. Since we work together, I can transform the romance like this; He is really naive, understanding and kind.” while Şükrü Özyıldız is about his partner; “Demet is also romantic, funny and extremely talented. She is very sincere and real.”