Series News The true story of Demet Özdemir’s life could be the subject of a TV series!

The true story of Demet Özdemir’s life could be the subject of a TV series!


Famous actress Demet Özdemir made remarkable statements about herself on a TV program she attended.

Demet Özdemir, who stated that she wanted to study at a university but could not do so because she had to take care of her family, said, “But I would have loved to study at a university and get a master’s degree.”

The actress, who stated that she had to work and take care of her family since her high school years and that she started life early, stated that the reason for this situation was that her mother and father lived separately.

Demet Özdemir, whose life story could be made into a TV series, drew attention with her answer to the question, “What kind of family and home did you grow up in?” Here are important details from Demet Özdemir’s life story that could be the subject of a movie:

“I am in a family where two different people fell in love with each other, got married and had children. My mother lived in Berlin and my father lived in Tavşancıl, İzmit. They met on a vacation, fell in love and got married. My mother moved to a small town in İzmit. My mother faced some realities day by day. We were born. Both of them always had unfinished stories. The best thing would be for them to separate and become free.

After my parents divorced, I stopped seeing my father. There was a serious distance, emotionally as well. I was with my mother. I was also a little angry with her because I started working as soon as possible.”