Artists News Even though it did not support the ratings, Demet Özdemir and Engin Akyürek’s series Adım Farah was successful!

Even though it did not support the ratings, Demet Özdemir and Engin Akyürek’s series Adım Farah was successful!

When we look at the ratings of the TV series Adım Farah, it is clear that very low rates are obtained, especially after the day change. Adım Farah, which impressed a wide audience last season when it first started but could never make the desired breakthrough, presented a good story.

In particular, the impact of the series starring Demet Özdemir and Engin Akyürek on social media has reached a point that many projects cannot reach.

We can say that the large audiences abroad who follow Turkish TV series with admiration were much more satisfied with the TV series Adım Farah than the domestic audience.

Even the fact that Engin Akyürek and Demet Özdemir starred in a TV series was a development that pleased their fans. The radiance of the two on the screen, their harmony on the set and their successful performances on the stage ensured that the TV series Adım Farah always remained on the agenda.

Although the ratings of the series were low due to the lack of support from domestic viewers, its power on social media was indisputable and foreign series fans embraced the project tightly.

When viewed from this perspective, even if the ratings say otherwise, the duo of Demet Özdemir and Engin Akyürek was good for the audience and the TV series Adım Farah was remembered as a successful project.

It would not be wrong to say that the project, whose 26th and final episode will be broadcast on Saturday, December 30, will continue to be talked about abroad in the coming years.