Series News It was upset with the early finale, but the news about the Son Yaz series is pleasing

It was upset with the early finale, but the news about the Son Yaz series is pleasing


Those who watch the Son Yaz (Last Summer) series broadcast on Fox TV cannot easily forget the story or the characters. Unfortunately, the series did not receive the expected ratings. Still, it was a big surprise that it continued in the second season. However, when it could not get the desired ratings in the new broadcasting period, it made an early final.

The cast and acting in the Son Yaz series were legendary for the audience. In the series starring Ali Atay, Hafsanur Sancaktutan, Alperen Duymaz and Funda Eryiğit, the love of Akgün and Yağmur was a love that left its mark on the series.

Even if it had a short lifespan, even if the audience was small, the common opinion of everyone who watched it was that such a series did not deserve these ratings and an early finale!

Its story in Turkey is over, albeit unintentionally, but there are good developments in the Son Yaz series in other countries. The news that will delight the fans of the 26-episode series came from Albania. A news that will cool the hearts of the audience, who reacted strongly to the finale…

The viewers, who are still angry with the Fox TV because of the Son Yaz series, do not hide their thoughts that it is unfair for the early finale whenever a message about the series comes up on social media.

Son Yaz, which was shelved as a series that could not find its value, continues its journey in the international arena.

This time, the series is on the agenda to be broadcast in Albania. The series began to be broadcast in the country under the name Vera E Fundit. Son Yaz, which is expected to be liked by the Albanian audience, will continue to be a heartbreaking production every time the audience in Turkey remembers it.