Artists News Kardeşlerim TV series started, but Onur Seyit Yaran’s mind was stuck in another place!

Kardeşlerim TV series started, but Onur Seyit Yaran’s mind was stuck in another place!


Onur Seyit Yaran, who gained great popularity with the character of Doruk in the TV series Kardeşlerim (My Brothers and Sisters), has not been on the agenda lately due to this leap in his career. The actor, who has millions of fans both in Turkey and abroad, has greatly increased his awareness. With the TV series “Kardeşlerim” started airing in Spain, Onur Seyit Yaran is one step closer to realizing his dreams about this country.

The actor, who went to Spain during the summer and whose news was shared in the Spanish press, aims to take part in this country as an actor in the future. Onur Seyit Yaran, who is a fan of Spanish cinema, said that he loves the style of storytelling and the Spanish language. The actor has the aim of continuing his profession in Spain, and for this he continues his language education. Onur Seyit Yaran also makes sports a part of his life and strives to maintain his form.

Answering the questions of the TV series, the actor said that doing sports makes him happier and more peaceful, and that he does sports 6 days a week without interruption. Onur Seyit Yaran, who explained that he rested on vacation and spared time for himself, said that he had the opportunity to spend time with his friends and family.

Explaining that he relaxes and stores energy during the summer period, the young actor also mentioned that his trip to Spain went very well for him. Onur Seyit Yaran said, “Spain was amazing for me. I came back much more motivated. I came back feeling much better. That’s why I’m happy. It was good for me”

Onur Seyit Yaran, who mentioned that the great interest in the TV series Kardeşlerim Abroad made him very happy, explained that the interest he had the opportunity to experience in Spain had a positive effect on him:

“Interest is a beautiful thing. It is a very proud thing that your work is watched in a foreign country and that foreign people know you. Our series is watched there as well, and it’s going pretty well. under the name of Hermanos. We also get the interaction of this, we are happy. It was already among my goals and dreams. I’m only at the beginning of this road right now, but even starting to walk is very enjoyable. I’m happy, I hope it continues. I hope we have business processed all over the world.”

With these words, Onur Seyit Yaran once again expressed how much he cares for Spain. The actor carries the happiness of his vacation during the holiday period on his halo and it would not be wrong to say that his mind remains there.

The third season of Kardeşlerim series has started and you can continue to watch the young actor with Doruk character on the ATV screen.