Artists News How and with what words did her fans call Hande Erçel on social media in 2022?

How and with what words did her fans call Hande Erçel on social media in 2022?


Famous Actress Hande Erçel came to the screen with the TV series Sen Çal Kapımı. The fact that she did not take part in another project after the finale of the Fox TV series, in which she played the leading role with Kerem Bürsin, upset her fans! However, the actress never fell from the agenda!

Whether it’s a drama or not, Hande Erçel has always been a name that her fans often share, comments and messages on. While Erçel makes many famous names jealous with her number of Instagram followers reaching 30 million, every post she makes is almost an event!

While her local and foreign fans never leave the actress alone, Hande Erçel does not leave them unaware! The actress, who is the face of different brands even though she is not on the screen with her series, plays in advertisements and models after the agreements she made.

Thus, the actress, who meets her fans in another way, does not fall off the agenda! Photographs of the clothing brand, of which Hande Erçel is the face, were recently published. Working with the Nocturne brand, the poses of the actor with the new season clothes were also appreciated.

It was not on the screen in 2022. She made a deal with Disney Plus, but there is no clarity about the production she will be acting in yet. Hande Erçel’s fans, who are eagerly waiting for her new project, continue to commemorate her on social media! researched the most used words in the comments made about Hande Erçel, who received millions of likes from her fans with her posts.

In the table you can see the words that are often spoken to the actress in different languages. In this table, which also includes the most used emojis, it is seen that there are mostly comments made on the beauty of Hande Erçel.