Artists News Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun touched every branch of art, but acting became indispensable!

Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun touched every branch of art, but acting became indispensable!


Young actress Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun, despite being a teenager, has become one of the fastest career breakers in recent years with the immense popularity she has achieved.

The actress, who attracted great attention with her character Asiye in the TV series, Kardeşlerim (For My Family), has become a popular name in the social media environment for 3 years.

The young actress, who made a big breakthrough in her career with the series, explained that she had a very difficult time in the first period.

Being a name that has been on the sets since childhood, the actress made her feel comfortable in front of the camera.

In an interview on the youtube channel of Sabah newspaper, Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun told that she is interested in every branch of art, even outside the set.

Explaining that she likes to dance and takes lessons in areas such as ballet and flamenco, the actress mentioned that she is also interested in music.

Explaining that she also plays the guitar and piano and takes singing lessons, Coşkun stated that these are short-term trainings and that she generally spends her time on sets and trainings for acting.

Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun mentioned that acting was her starting point after all these experiences and said, “I have always been interested in art. Acting was different. I was interested in all of them, but I knew I had to continue from here. My family was also supportive. There was a curiosity then. I wanted to do what people I saw on TV and in the movies did. Then, as I got older, it deepened.”