As we go step by step towards the end in the TV series Camdaki Kız (Girl in the Glass), which aired on Thursday evenings, we are very curious about what will happen next in the story. The tragedy revealed by the death of the character of Gülcihan impressed the audience very much. After the story entered a new process with a time jump, the fans of the Camdaki Kız series were filled with a new wave of excitement towards the finale.
Learning that her father is Metin, Nalan began to isolate herself from men. After Sedat learns about Hayri and Nalan, interesting developments are expected in the new episodes of the series.
The audience’s reaction towards the character of Hayri in the TV series “Camdaki Kız” continues to increase. It should be stated that Cihangir Ceyhan’s successful acting performance also triggered this process. Everyone started to wonder what would happen to Hayri, who met the Laz Kızı after her husband Türkan gave her confidence in the story of the series.
The fans of the series, who are annoyed with the character of Hayri, are seen as the summary of what a person who finds the money will become. It is necessary to express that very different feelings await the fans of Camdaki Kız, through the character of Hayri, who has money but no personality.
It is also expected that the results of the big change in the character of Sedat after the 2-year time jump in the series. At this point, new events are expected to occur. In particular, what kind of process will be experienced between Sedat and Nalan, this issue seems to be one of the details that the audience is most curious about.
While the character of Sedat draws a new path for himself with the support of a psychologist, it seems that the audience will not be able to get over the influence of the character played by Feyyaz Şerifoğlu in the next period.
While it is very curious what will happen in the finale of the Camdaki Kız series, it is possible to predict that the interest in the last episodes of the series will again be very high.