Artists News Akın Akınözü took the summit from Onur Seyit Yaran and does not leave it to anyone!

Akın Akınözü took the summit from Onur Seyit Yaran and does not leave it to anyone!


Akın Akınözü, who is among the most popular male actors in recent days, is overtaking all his opponents by serious margins!

Akınözü is on the agenda with the role of Umut (Çınar) in the TV series Tuzak (Trap), which has a big problem with its ratings on the screen. Akınözü, who plays the lead role with Bensu Soral, is welcomed by his fans with great social media support!

Weekly and monthly popularity lists are created in return for the figures obtained by collecting the messages received on behalf of the players in the social media. According to the latest list made by between 16-22 November, Akın Akınözü is in the first place.

The actor has not left the top to anyone for a few weeks! Onur Seyit Yaran, the young actor of the TV series Kardeşlerim (My Brothers and Sisters) for months, was at the top of the list, making a big difference to his opponents!

Akın Akınözü took the summit from Onur Seyit Yaran and does not leave it to anyone! 8

However, as Yaran gradually left its place to Akın Akınözü, it started to decline as other names came to the fore in popularity!

Halil İbrahim Ceyhan, who attracted attention with Kanal 7’s Emanet (Legacy) series, was in the 2nd place after Onur Seyit Yaran for months.

For a few weeks when Akın Akınözü was at the top, Ceyhan still maintains its place! Moreover, the difference between them gets closer from time to time!

Akın Akınözü took the summit from Onur Seyit Yaran and does not leave it to anyone! 9

In recent weeks, Alp Navruz has also made a quick entrance to the table with the series Yürek Çıkmazı (Heart Impass) on TRT1.

The actor managed to come up to the 3rd place at the same speed! Another popular name, Mert Ramazan Demir, the actor of the Yalı Çapkını series, is also in the top 5!