Artists News Akın Akınözü will have to push his acting skills in the TV series Yaban Çiçekleri!

Akın Akınözü will have to push his acting skills in the TV series Yaban Çiçekleri!

Series Turkish

Akın Akınözü fans are experiencing the excitement of the TV series Yaban Çiçekleri (Wild Flowers), which started on ATV last Monday evening. Akın Akınözü, who is a partner with Aslıhan Malbora, plays the character named Kılıç in his new project.

It is clear from his words that Akın Akınözü will reveal a very different personality in his new character. The famous actor plays the character named Kılıç.

The Kılıç character will be reflected on the screen as an attractive, humorous and dynamic man who is a strong personality in his own town and desires to be happy.

This character, who looks like an alpha male with all his energy, is also extremely ambitious when it comes to business.

Kılıç, who pays attention to details, is a good business person and helpful to those around him. However, pushing Kılıç’s nerves does not yield good results.

Akın Akınözü said, “He is a sharp, dangerous character when unsheathed and can shatter when necessary.”

The famous actor will reveal his acting skills in the character named Kılıç and it seems that he will put in a lot of effort as he needs to evoke many different emotions in the audience through his character.

You can understand from Akın Akınözü’s words that he loves the Kılıç character very much and that he enjoys doing his job.

The famous actor thinks that the Kılıç character has some characteristics of himself. Akın Akınözü said, “Isn’t it possible, of course it is. “We, as actors, put forward a performance based on these questions,” he said.

Explaining his favorite feature of the character, the famous actor said, “His determination to protect his values and essence.”

Explaining that the script impressed him and that he accepted the role to explore this story, Akın Akınözü explained that he saw the story as a surprise.