Series News Barış Arduç evaluation from Gökçe Bahadır in the Kulüp series!

Barış Arduç evaluation from Gökçe Bahadır in the Kulüp series!

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Gökçe Bahadır, who continues to work on the TV series Kulüp, which will be broadcast on Netflix, announced that she has an intense tempo. The famous actress plays the leading role with Barış Arduç in the series. The actress, who gave life to the character of a former prisoner named Matilda, is a singer at a club and years later learns that she has a daughter. Barış Arduç also plays the problematic taxi driver of this club …

Gökçe Bahadır said that the shooting of the series is continuing and that she is in a hurry. The actress said, “It is busy, it is almost time for the shooting to end. It sounds good, tiring but going well ”.

On the question about the harmony between them, Gökçe Bahadır said, “Very good, everything is fine, good. No annoyance. No, it goes well. We did not have any problems, as the whole team, a good chemistry was formed between us, there is no problem ”.

The actress, who made the evaluation “I find it very healthy and beautiful” for the projects on digital platforms, explained that it is enjoyable to work in terms of order.

“It is possible to work within certain rules. 12 hours is 12 hours. Saying that it is much more comfortable in that sense, Gökçe Bahadır emphasized that it is a good feeling to know when the shooting will end.

In the cast of the series where Barış Arduç gave life to the taxi driver character named Fıstık İsmet; There are also strong players such as Metin Akdülger, Fırat Tanis and Salih Bademci.

Directed by Zeynep Günay Tan, the series will be 10 episodes in total. As Gökçe Bahadır stated, the shooting will end soon.

Ruhi Sarı, Suzan Kardeş and Hazım Körmükçü also participated as guests in the series produced by O3 Media.