Series News Big applause to Demet Özdemir!

Big applause to Demet Özdemir!

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What happened in the live broadcast he participated in on Instagram drowned her with TV8, attended a live broadcast on Instagram last night. In the broadcast, she helped collect ‘milk’ for the treatment of a child with SMA. With donations of 50 TL or more as milk money, a great contribution was made to the treatment of the young child.

The actress, writer Nihan Şerbetçi and actor Bulut Akkale made an effort to collect donations during the night. Aid was collected for Alperen Karakoç in the night, where Özdemir also invited her followers on social media.

While Demet Özdemir was watched with her humorous, sincere and natural state throughout the broadcast, she also worked with all her might for the campaign.

Thousands of people watched the broadcast thanks to the actress who constantly informs her followers about the milk money and points out the account numbers.

The actress, who said that she will not leave without 1000 milk money in this meaningful night, kept this promise and managed to attract attention by staying on the air for long hours.

On the occasion of Mother’s Day, the family of Alperen Karakoç, an SMA patient, said that they accepted Demet Özdemir as the spiritual mother of their son and shared a message for her.

Demet Özdemir said to this emotional sharing “I will take a good breath after going to Dubai. Alperen replied that “you are the angel.”

The actress was under the influence of the live broadcast the day before when he started the day next day. This nice cooperation made due to the support gathered made Demet Özdemir very happy spiritually. “How do you know one morning? With inner peace, the only heart that helps a baby, supports, sees people, is full of hope, full of love, and the joy of remembering once again understanding our purpose for coming to life. Believe me, there is goodness, goodness, friendship and brotherhood in this life. Here, good morning now ”shared her note ..


The actress, who made the announcement before going live on her Instagram account, made a great contribution to the campaign of little Alperen.