Artists News Both Hande Erçel and Serenay Sarıkaya faced the same result!

Both Hande Erçel and Serenay Sarıkaya faced the same result!

Hande Erçel plays the leading role in the TV series called Bambaşka Biri (Another Love). Hande Erçel, who meets the audience on Fox TV with Burak Deniz on Monday evenings, is among the most talked about actresses on social media with the support of her fans abroad.

Serenay Sarıkaya is also one of the names that finds strong support on social media and continues her series Aile (Family), which is broadcast on Tuesday evenings on Show TV. Both actresses appeared before their fans with their strong female characters and attracted attention.

Wherever the name Hande Erçel is mentioned with a new work in any country abroad, the projects can be purchased by many television organizations without any questions. Serenay Sarıkaya also returned to the television screen after many years and her fans are eagerly waiting for each new episode.

It is also necessary to see the fact that both the TV series Bambaşka Biri and Aile are having difficulty with the general audience. In other words, both Bambaşka Biri and Aile TV series remained a bit foreign to the entire audience, which is one of the most important indicators of addiction to TV series.

Television critic Sina Koloğlu also draws attention by stating this situation in his comments. While Koloğlu evaluated that Hande Erçel could not achieve the desired success in the role of prosecutor Leyla, it does not go unnoticed that there is no longer a story like the first season in the Aile series.

It was noteworthy that Sina Koloğlu shared a viewer’s comment that the initial atmosphere had disappeared and it had turned into an ordinary mafia series.

The Aile series can achieve very good results in both the AB and ABC1 groups, but this is more limited in the all people category.

It is also noteworthy that, while the TV series Bambaşka Biri also had problems in the all-person category, it achieved a better ranking in the AB group.

Both Serenay Sarıkaya and Hande Erçel do not seem to be very lucky in reaching the all-person category these days.