Series News Çağatay Ulusoy fans in revolt!

Çağatay Ulusoy fans in revolt!


Çağatay Ulusoy fans are waiting for the new lineup of the famous long-running player. However, many problems have arisen and due to these problems, the project has …

Milliyet Cadde writer Sina Kologlu shared information about the latest status of the index and Çağatay Ulusoy cited that fans would have to wait for more months to see the famous player in the new line:


Silk Gökdel’s novel ‘Charcoal and the Strange Story of a Young Man’ will be on display at the Netflix channel. The job is long. Çağatay Ulusoy’la Leyla Lydia Tuğutlu’nun leading role in the scene of the script did not get a place. The mum did not find the samples from Netflix side to be satisfactory.

The production is said to be delayed due to ‘not being’. When is the time finished? The recovery process ends in summer and is expected to start. The directory is being told at the end of the year that Netflix will be able to show up.