Artists News DefneSamyeli’s youth fever

DefneSamyeli’s youth fever


DefneSamyeli, who gave life to the character of Siren in the ‘Bride of Istanbul’ series, added a lot of joy to the sequin.

DefneSamyeli’s performance on the track is very successful.

She is also on the agenda of the magazine press with her love with CemYılmaz at the same time.

She has a remarkable youth energy …

This energy affects both the role of the series and the love life and clothing.

DefneSamyeli wears the same clothes as her daughter

She, 46 years old, was raped with her daughter DerinTalu.

She, who draws attention with her smooth body, wears the same clothes as her daughter.

This state of mother-daughter, whose styles are similar to each other, was interpreted as “DefneSamyeli is taking stones to young girls”.