Artists News Demet Evgar’s influence also affected her colleague Bige Önal a lot!

Demet Evgar’s influence also affected her colleague Bige Önal a lot!

Series Turkish

The Bahar series, starring Demet Evgar and arousing admiration with her performance, continues to attract attention. There are also famous names among the fans of the series, which airs on Show TV on Tuesday evenings.

Bige Önal, who has achieved a good career with the projects she has participated in so far, also announced that she was among those who were recently detained for the Bahar TV series.

Bige Önal said, “I am watching the Bahar series these days. I loved it so much, I watch it. I couldn’t follow anything else. “I was busy these days, I got caught up in a Bahar TV series,” she said.

Bige Önal, who was in love with Aras Bulut İynemli for many years, said that there was no resentment between them and they exchanged greetings. Önal drew attention by saying, “We have been friends for how many years?”