Artists News Demet Özdemir is running to 10 million!

Demet Özdemir is running to 10 million!


Demet Özdemir, the famous actor who played the leading role in the series of My Home My Destiny, where you were born, has made a great break in recent years. The actress, who has taken part in projects in a row, continues to increase her popularity rapidly with the support of social media.

She, who has achieved a good harmony with İbrahim Çelikkol in the series of My Home My Destiny, is also very pleased with the successful course of the series. The famous actress, who continues to work on the set for the season 12 finale, also runs to 10 million on social media.

Demet Özdemir’s Instagram account has increased to over 9.9 million followers. It is less than 10 million. instagram account of the very few people in Turkey has over 10 million.

Demet Özdemir will join a handful of famous names that exceed 10 million.