Series News Demet Özdemir made the best decision of her life

Demet Özdemir made the best decision of her life


Demet Özdemir, as everyone knows, is in the TV series Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir. However, the project will be completed in mid-May. Why is there a lot of people asking what was going on, it’s because hidden in the ratings in Turkey…

If you can not afford a series of good ratings are hurt by the publisher channel. Every evening, many different TV series are broadcast on Turkish television and the series whose stories are weakened also get low results in ratings.

Unfortunately, the series Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir will have to make the final. Because the story is over and the viewers do not support the show as much as before.

However, this series was a great experience for Demet Özdemir. High interest in the romantic comedy role actors in Turkey, but respect is low. So romantic comedy series are simple.

Actors who do not play drama roles are viewed with suspicion by the industry as talent.

Here is Demet Özdemir, by showing that she can play drama roles very successfully, she actually broke the prejudices about her. She did a great job. Because although Zeynep’s character had a lot of malfunctions, Demet Özdemir closed them with her good acting. The duration of the series for 2 seasons was also a result of her success.