Artists News Demet Özdemir stole a role from everyone with her dressing style!

Demet Özdemir stole a role from everyone with her dressing style!


Famous Actress Demet Özdemir is a name that attracts attention with her clothing style at the invitations besides her productions. She likes to dress outside in her classic style, with the advice of her close friend, style consultant Rutkay Öziş. Özdemir successfully carries the clothes that will make her say ‘if someone else would wear it’.

The actress, who is on the agenda with the TV series My Home My Destiny, which is now broadcast on tv8 screens, has a large fan base after the Early Bird series. More than 11 million people follow her social media account. Thousands of likes and comments come to each photo she shares.

Demet Özdemir, one of the successful and beloved names of the young generation, is appreciated for her acting and gains the admiration of her fans with her beauty.

Özdemir attended an engagement ceremony with her close friends Saadet Özsırkıntı and Rutkay Öziş, with whom she also spent the summer vacation.

The actress, who preferred a navy blue dress at the engagement ceremonies of her friend Hande Ünal and her colleague İsmail Ege Şaşmaz, completed the combination with a different style boot with a white back and a navy blue front.

The actress posing with Rutkay Öziş showed that she carried her outfit well, and shared the poses she gave during the night on the Instagram page.

You can see the shares of the actress who poses cheerfully with her friends …





