Series News Even behind the scenes of Gönül Dağı is great!

Even behind the scenes of Gönül Dağı is great!

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Gönül Dağı (Gönül Mountain) series is a sea, what more details you have not seen or known! Do you wonder how the highly anticipated episodes of the Gönül Dağı TV series were filmed every Saturday evening? What happens on the set in Sivrihisar district of Eskişehir? All these details are revealed behind the scenes.

The TV series Gönül Dağı, starring Berk Atan and Gülsim Ali, achieved the same success in all categories with ratings hitting 9 every Saturday night and received very good returns from all audience groups. The series, which is a warm Anatolian story, also represents pure and clean loves. In this respect, Gönül Dağı series is perfect for those who want to satisfy the longing for the past …

Gönül Dağı, which stretched the lovers who could not reunite with their loved ones, with the stones they hurled, has now become a series that is eagerly awaited every episode. The TV series fans who wrote a message saying “What a good TRT has done and brought such a project to the screen”, make very positive comments about Gönül Mountain on social media. While watching this story, you will live, feel, be touched and be connected with your heart …

Details about how the shots were made behind the scenes of the series also emerged. For those who wonder what happened during the shoot, you will also like the behind-the-scenes images, each scene of which is a different excitement and focus of attention.

You will also witness that Cihat Süvarioğlu, who gives life to the character of Ramazan, entertains the friends on the set. Below you can find the images of Berk Atan and Gülsim Ali on the set.

There are the following names in the cast that gives life to the characters that attract attention in the series: Ecem Özkaya, Ferdi Sancar, Ali Dilligil, Erdal Cindoruk, Gulhan Tekin, Feyza Işık, Ege Aydan, Eser Eyüboğlu, Cihat Süvarioğlu, Semih Ertürk, Nazlı Pınar Kaya, Şebnem Dilligil, Yavuz Sepetçi, Nuri Gökaşan, Hüseyin Sevimli and Çiğdem Aygün. ”

Produced by Ferhat Eşsiz and directed by Yahya Samancı, Gönül Mountain was inspired by the stories of Mustafa Çiftçi, who sincerely reflects the steppe and the people living in this geography in all his stories.
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