Artists News For Hafsanur Sancaktutan, acting is just like breathing!

For Hafsanur Sancaktutan, acting is just like breathing!


Famous actress Hafsanur Sancaktutan has gained such popularity since the TV series Son Yaz (Last Summer) that there are very few young people who can achieve this success in a short time. The actress, who took the lead role in the Disney Plus series called Dünyayla Benim Aramda (Between the World and Me), started to appeal to a very large fan base.

Although she was unlucky with the latest project called Darmaduman, which lasted only 9 episodes, on the television screen, the famous actress is progressing by improving herself and every new step is followed closely by her fans.

Talking about what the acting profession means to her in her interview with GQ magazine, Hafsanur Sancaktutan explained how much she cares about improving herself with the following words:

“Acting is for me to play a character, to live it. Actually, we are all actors, and we have different characters. We all play without realizing it. For example, let’s imagine a woman in the role of a mother at home, a business woman at work, a woman socializing with her friends, and in all of them that woman turns into a completely different person.

Therefore, it is natural for me to be a good actress, and it becomes synonymous with making the audience feel the character I play as real as we live.

While I was playing, I was like, “Is this what happens in real life? Do people talk like that, eat like that, and dress like that in real life?” I ask myself. For me, acting is the way I create myself, my space to express myself, breathe and make peace with myself. I took on this role and I am enjoying it immensely.”