Series News Gönül Dağı series returned to the past in the ratings, Kardeşlerim series failed to do this

Gönül Dağı series returned to the past in the ratings, Kardeşlerim series failed to do this


Gönül Dağı series has the upper hand in the Saturday rating competition and this dominance continues for 2 seasons. The biggest misfortune of Kardeşlerim (My Brothers) series, which was broadcast on the ATV screen, is that its rival is both very successful and very stable.

Kardeşlerim TV series, in which young actors and experienced names show a strong synergy, has achieved very successful works in the second season as well. Towards the end of the second season, the loss in the ratings was remarkable… Like all TV series, Kardeşlerim also showed a great decline during the month of Ramadan, and with the warming of the weather, fewer viewers on the television screen negatively affect all productions.

However, last Saturday evening, the Gönü Dağı series made a strong comeback, although it fell back from double-digit rates for a while. Gönül Dağı, which proved its success by reaching double-digit ratings again in both AB and ABC1 categories with its 63rd episode, showed that when the project is strong, the audience can return to the screen unconditionally.

However, the situation is not the same for the series Kardeşlerim… ATV’s popular series lagged behind the double-digit ratings, especially in the all-person category, but stood out as one of the best productions of the season. When the ratings of the 52nd episode aired last Saturday evening are looked at, it is seen that my brothers lost a lot of viewers.

Let’s remind you that the series is still strong and ranked second in the all people category. However, the difference between Gönül Dağı and Kardeşlerim has widened a lot…

While the Gönül Dağı series is taking a step back to its effective ratings at the beginning of the season, it seems that Kardeşlerim series has not yet recovered the situation.

Both series will continue on their way with their third seasons. Expected to make the season finale in June, Kardeşlerim is expected to be strengthened both as a story and with new actors during the summer.