Artists News Gülsim Ali İlhan gave the message of separation in the series Gönül Dağı!

Gülsim Ali İlhan gave the message of separation in the series Gönül Dağı!

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Gönül Dağı series, which had a very successful first season on TRT1 screen, met with the audience again with its second season. The fact that the 31st episode aired on Saturday, September 11th won first place in all categories is enough to tell how much the audience loved the story.

The Gönül Dağı series team was the guest of the TRT Main News bulletin hours before the broadcast. Gülsim Ali İlhan, who gave life to the character of Dilek in the series, enchanted her fans with her beauty and sympathy while attracting attention with her black elegant dress.

In the second season of the series Gönül Dağı, everyone has some questions about how Dilek and Taner’s love will progress. In particular, the audience’s curiosity about what will happen between Taner and Dilek is very high.

In the TRT News broadcast, Gülsim Ali İlhan gave an important clue about the future of the love between the two characters.

Gülsim Ali İlhan said, “There are difficulties in every love. I think the difficulties between Dilek and Taner are the distances this time. Let’s see if the distance will kill the love or make it stronger. We will see this together. But I think love will win,” she said.

These words of the famous actress were perceived as a message that there would be distance between Dilek and Taner’s love and that a separation could occur in the new period. Of course, this separation was perceived as the fact that they would live in different places, missing each other, rather than breaking a relationship.