Artists News Hande Erçel made a very important decision about her life after 10 years!

Hande Erçel made a very important decision about her life after 10 years!

Famous actress Hande Erçel once again enchanted her fans with her images from Cannes. The actress also gave important details about herself with her statements.

Interviewing Ömür Sabuncuoğlu in Cannes, Hande Erçel said that she was in Cannes for the first time at the invitation of a brand. Explaining that she is a Sagittarius and likes to travel, the actress said, “Traveling is equal to me. There is such a truth. It is very important to me, because change is the most important thing in my life. I am in an effort to change everything, from my house to my home,” she said.

Expressing that she loves to travel and feeds herself, Hande Erçel had a hard time choosing as the city that impressed her the most. Explaining that there are different cities in Paris and Italy that she could not choose, the actress also emphasized that every place she went had different characteristics and she did not want to separate them. The actress, who defines herself as a summer person, explained that she does not like to be cold.

The actress, who left the university after she started working while she was studying at the Department of Traditional Turkish Arts at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, decided to return to her school after a 10-year hiatus. Describing this as a shortcoming, Hande Erçel said in her statement:

“I had to leave school a long time ago. Because I was working, there were continuity problems. It’s been 10 years. I said, ‘I want to graduate. Because when I entered Mimar Sinan University, I had big dreams. Most of my dreams have come true, but being an Mimar Sinan graduate is something else. I felt that lack.”

In this department, where the famous actress decided to continue, she learns traditional Turkish arts, has years of cultural background, and creates original works with contemporary design principles and methods.

Explaining that she passed her first term at the university and started her second term, Hande Erçel said that when she returned to school years later, she experienced the benefits of being recognized.

The actress said, “It’s a very enjoyable thing. Returning after all these years, people are also more helpful because they know a little. My teachers are incredibly sweet people. They are very helpful as they know that I want to work and run the school at the same time. Hopefully I will graduate. I missed it so much that it feels good to be a student.”

Explaining that she met with new excitements and new dreams with the school, Hande Erçel explained that this process will have important contributions to her life.