Artists News Hot poses from Burak Deniz

Hot poses from Burak Deniz

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Famous Actor Burak Deniz is currently counting the days to come to the screens with the name Maraşlı. Deniz also starred in the movie Unfinished Love, shot for the digital platform. Deniz will be in front of the camera with Alina Boz in her new series. The actor, whose fans are eagerly awaiting the Maraşlı series, shared shots from a movie shot two years ago today.

The actor, who shared the pictures of the film taken behind the camera on his Instagram page, was bombarded with comments from his foreign fans. The fans loved the pictures of the actor, with many comments in Arabic, English and Italian.

It is seen that they comment on Burak Deniz’s naked photos with fire emojis. It is also seen that some famous names such as Burcu Biricik, Umut Eker and Yağızcan Konyalı also liked it.

The actor receives many praiseworthy comments such as “Mashallah, look at the handsome, you are so sexy, you haven’t left a heart.”

Burak Deniz played a role with Büşra Deniz in the movie Arada, which he played in 2018. The biographical, youth and drama film, written and directed by Mu Tunç, was about a night when a punk young man named Ozan, living in Istanbul, tried to find a ship ticket to California with the dream of making an album in America.

Here is Burak Deniz’s sharing with the frames from that movie:

