Series News Alina Boz and Burak Deniz’s unforgettable Maraşlı series has achieved worldwide success!

Alina Boz and Burak Deniz’s unforgettable Maraşlı series has achieved worldwide success!


atv’s beloved series, produced by TIMS&B Productions, produced by Timur Savcı and Burak Sağyaşar and distributed internationally by Inter Medya, ‘Maraşlı’ was licensed to Brazil’s leading digital platform Globoplay.

‘One of the Top Five Most Watched Series in Brazil: ‘Maraşlı’!

‘Maraşlı’, which started its digital broadcasting life in Brazil at the beginning of July, achieved a strong start on Globoplay and took its place among the top five most watched series since its first week on air.

‘Maraşlı’, which won the ‘Best Actress in a Foreign Language’ and ‘Best Telenovela in a Foreign Language’ awards at the Produ Awards, has been licensed to more than 35 countries to date.

Starring Burak Deniz and Alina Boz, directed by Arda Sarıgün and written by successful screenwriter Ethem Özışık, ‘Maraşlı’ masterfully blends action and romance, offering viewers a captivating love story full of emotion.

‘Maraşlı’ continues to captivate Brazilian audiences, adding another international success to its roster.