Artists News Something very different decorates the dream of Alina Boz, who shines with TV series!

Something very different decorates the dream of Alina Boz, who shines with TV series!

Series Turkish

Famous actress Alina Boz has something she wants very much professionally… The actress gave successful performances in TV series and movies. Now she wants to carry this success to the stage. Many young actors have recently turned to theater plays.

Alina Boz also said that she would like to take part in the theater with good people and a beautiful project. Being the guest of İbrahim Selim’s program broadcast on Youtube, the actress said that when she first came to Turkey as a child, her family had her enroll in the theater in order to get used to both the country, the language and the environment of friendship.

Explaining that her grandfather took her to the theater and was fascinated by what she saw behind the scenes, Alina Boz said, “I remember being fascinated behind the scenes. Something happened to me backstage. I was very fascinated with the theater that day. Then he had serials and an acting career,” she said.

Alina Boz, who was enrolled in courses such as sculpture, painting, modern dance, riding horses and even ice skating, said that she has a passion for trying everything.

The actress explained her dream about the theater as follows: “I would like to take part in a beautiful project with beautiful people. Not only I am doing theater, but really, I have my precious brothers and sisters by my side. There are some very good friendships I made while playing in the TV series Maraşlı. There is Kerem Atabeyoğlu, there is Almula sister. I love being with them. I’m learning so many good things from them. I take great pleasure in being able to convey the opinions of people who have experienced this kind of experience. That’s why I would love to do theater.”