Series News If the TV series Adım Farah was a digital project, it would get the recognition it deserves!

If the TV series Adım Farah was a digital project, it would get the recognition it deserves!

Fans of the series, who know well that the TV series Adım Farah (Farah) can achieve much greater success if it is featured on a globally influential platform like Netflix, are disturbed by the decrease in ratings. There are many people who like the story of the series and think that Demet Özdemir and Engin Akyürek are a very successful partner.

However, although the TV series Adım Farah received great attention on social media and abroad, local TV series fans did not embrace this project enough. This situation caused the series to experience a serious decrease in ratings and subsequently changed the day, making it at the mercy of Fox TV.

There are many people who think that the series, which is expected to be broadcast until the 26th episode due to its good international sales, could have achieved much greater success if it had been shot as a digital series on Netflix rather than a television project.

Fans of local TV series showed less interest in Adım Farah than expected among the new series that bombard each season.

However, fans of foreign TV series embraced this project very much and thanks to them, a wide interaction was created on social media. In fact, the great love of foreign TV series fans lies behind the good sales of the series abroad.

According to many series fans, Adım Farah series could not find the attention it deserved in Turkey and could have achieved much greater international success if it had been a Netflix series.

The fact that it was revealed that there was a great interest in the second season of the TV series Adım Farah on the digital platform called Shadid, which broadcasts to Arab countries, made this idea even more prominent.

This success of the TV series Adım Farah, which is among the 10 most watched productions not only in Arab countries but also in European countries such as France, Germany, Italy and Spain, is a development that improves the morale of the team.

Although the story of the series, the 20th episode of which will be broadcast on Saturday, November 11, is successful, the shooting was carried out very professionally, and there are two very popular and talented actors in the leading roles, we can say that there are many people who cannot make sense of this collapse in the ratings.