Series News In Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam series, Azade is a woman’s power and makes Aslı Sevi proud!

In Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam series, Azade is a woman’s power and makes Aslı Sevi proud!

The TV series “Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam” (I Can’t fit in this World), which is broadcast on ATV on Tuesday evenings, does not escape attention with its action-packed scenes and the story of women in the foreground. We see Aslı Sevi in one of the roles that attract the attention of the audience in the story.

Aslı Sevi, who also stands out in the story by portraying the character Azade and being one of the names that demonstrates the power of women, explained how much this situation affected her in her interview on the TV show.

Aslı Sevi said, “I think it is very beautiful, because strong women should always set an example in our society. She should show other women how they can live their lives easier.”

Explaining that Azade character makes her very proud at the point of supporting this idea, Aslı Sevi stated that the character is a very common sense and wise person.

She adapted very well to the character and seems to have no trouble reflecting the feeling of her role on the screen. Aslı Sevi is also happy to appear before the audience with a self-developed female character.

Aslı Sevi said: “She is someone who knows where to stand, can manage her brothers and father, and has strong relations with her friends. She is a self-developed woman who looks traditional and can live in modernism.”

The characters of Azade and Ömer Asaf are very similar to each other by the fans of the series. Explaining that Azade is loaded with a sense of compassion but would prefer strong personalities, Aslı Sevi takes place in the action-packed moments of the story.

Commenting on such scenes as “the scenes I enjoy the most”, the actress said that she was trained to ensure safety while working and that she had a familiarity from her childhood, and that she had a good experience in the series.