Series News In the Mr.Wrong series, Özge Gürel’s clothes have a secret!

In the Mr.Wrong series, Özge Gürel’s clothes have a secret!


In the Mr.Wrong series, there is a rush to find clothes for Özgü Gürel! The series Mr.Wrong met with the audience last Friday. There was such a high expectation in the social media for the series that at least in the rating point these expectations were not met. The low ratings of the series made a troubled image for the future. However, the harmony and energies of Can Yaman and Özge Gürel were found to be good.

The two famous names managed to enchant fans again. The showy, rich show that the series showed rather than the story remained in mind. A love and a magnificent life through women’s and men’s relationships… The show was exhibited in mind rather than how the script of the Mr.Wrong series would progress.

At this point, she drew attention with the information she gave a name from within the series. Aslı Parlak, Mr.Wrong style consultant, talked about what happened on the set. For the first time, viewers gained knowledge of the preparations made about the costumes in such detail.

Aslı Parlak, who wrote articles on dizidoktoru, talked about the work for the costumes of Ezgi character. A great research was also conducted for Ezgi’s red dress.

Aslı Parlak said, “The dress should have been red. We would see Ezgi (Özge Gürel) in the charm and elegance we have never seen.”

Many shops were closed due to a pandemic. It was not easy to find a dress quickly, as the designers worked by appointment. The red dress that both Özge Gürel and director Deniz Yorulmazer will like was chosen from among many different models.

Stating that Züleyha Kuru was decided on her dress, Aslı Parlak said, “Ezgi (Özge) is so beautiful that she supported her beauty and carrying the outfit.”

It was also revealed that the style of Ezgi will attract the viewers in the following episodes of the series.