Artists News In Yasak Elma series, this is called distributing judgment!

In Yasak Elma series, this is called distributing judgment!

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With the 114th episode of Yasak Elma series broadcast on Fox TV screens, millions of people were gathered on the screen. In the new episode of the series, where Eda Ece gave life to the character of Yıldız, there were moments that entertained the audience.

Çağatay, played by Berk Oktay, is cheating on his wife Yıldız with Kumru… The character of Kumru, played by Biran Damla Yılmaz, has turned into someone who annoys everyone. The fact that Yıldız started playing games to take revenge on Kumru also entertained the audience.

Unable to tolerate being deceived, Yıldız took several steps to teach both Çağatay and Kumru. Yıldız implied forbidden love with the story she told at dinner. Telling a story, Yıldız said that the cheated woman married the cheating woman’s father, and perhaps gave a message for the next episodes.

The character of Doğan, played by Murat Aygen, is Kumru’s father. If this message given by the screenwriters goes to bring Doğan and Yıldız together in the future, the audience will rebel against this situation.

The vase breaking scene, in which Eda Ece also performed improvised, also entertained the audience. There were good comments about this scene on social media.

Fans of the TV series, who left comments saying, “The star has come to distribute the judiciary, you destroyed it,” shared thousands of posts on Twitter. Thanks to these shares, Yasak Elma series became one of the most talked about topics on social media.

Many humorous posts about Yıldız’s attitudes were also made on social media. Fans of the series showed great interest in the 114th episode of Yasak Elma.



