Series News [Magnificent Century] , [Forbidden Love] and pride to represent Turkey is experiencing in China

[Magnificent Century] , [Forbidden Love] and pride to represent Turkey is experiencing in China


China, which has the most populous population of the world and economically reinforces the supremacy of Asia, has become accustomed to the Turkish series.

In this way, the Magnificent Century and the Forbidden Love series take on a very important mission …

2 Turkish series published by CCTV, which has the potential to reach more than 1 billion people in China, attracts great interest …

Magnificent Century series, which attracted the great interest of China due to its narration of the Ottoman Empire period, is leading the series of sculptures.

Not every series is published in China. It is necessary that it is also appropriate for morality and community structure. CCTV, under the control of the Communist Party, is paying attention to these criteria.

With the story of interest in the Chinese people, the Forbidden Love series telling an impossible love succeeded in occupying itself in the most crowded country of the world as well as in the whole world.

It is also interesting that the Chinese channel which does not publish the series that is not suitable for the family structure chooses Forbidden Love . However, as the index was censored in Turkey need to account also being brought to the screen …

The faculties of the Turkish serial industry, the Magnificent Century and the Forbidden Love have succeeded in doing a great job by influencing the whole world and continuing to succeed.