Series News Magnificent Century, Resurrection Ertuğrul and many more! Turkish TV shows affect the world!

Magnificent Century, Resurrection Ertuğrul and many more! Turkish TV shows affect the world!


Turkish TV series affect the world, here is the research that attracts attention! TRT World Research Center conducted a study on the impact Turkish series have had abroad.

Most recently, Resurrection Ertuğrul series in Pakistan was highly appreciated. The series, which attracted great attention from the Pakistani people, was also widely featured on social media.

The Magnificent Century has been shown in more than 100 countries since its publication. It made a huge impact. Reflections of the interest shown in Turkish TV series were also revealed through the research of TRT World channel.

Magnificent Century, Resurrection Ertuğrul and many more! Turkish TV shows affect the world! 7

In countries where publication of the Turkish series showed increased support to Turkey.

Fan groups have formed in more than 100 countries thanks to Turkish TV series.

Turkish TV series strengthens the connection between each of the nation’s perception towards Turkey also makes a change in a positive way.

The direction of the sequence Turkey tourism as a very positive influence, was seen to increase the number of inbound travelers.

Also increased in the education and business trips Turkey.

It provided a closer examination and recognition of Turkish culture and history.