Artists News Mehmet Yılmaz Ak stunned everyone with his role in the TV series Bahar after the TV series Yargı!

Mehmet Yılmaz Ak stunned everyone with his role in the TV series Bahar after the TV series Yargı!


The series project named Bahar is broadcast on Show TV on Tuesday evenings, and when we look at the double-digit ratings obtained, it can be seen how successful it is.

Another actor who plays the leading role in the series, along with Demet Evgar, Buğra Gülsoy and Ecem Özkaya, is Mehmet Yılmaz Ak…

It was wonderful for a name that made his mark in the world of TV series with the character of Prosecutor Pars in the TV series titled Yargı (Family Secrets) to return to the screen in a brand new series and with a character that is much different from the image of the character in the previous project.

Mehmet Yılmaz Ak not only demonstrated his acting talents, the characters of Pars and Timur, who are at two different extremes, are so different from each other that it shows the talent of the same actor to portray these two characters so successfully.

Mehmet Yılmaz Ak also thinks that presenting the audience with a completely different story line with the Bahar series has a significant impact on its success.

Mehmet Yılmaz Ak, who expressed his opinion that the Bahar series caused change in his interview in Episode magazine, shared the following information:

“In order to ensure the success of a new project, trying new things instead of producing with familiar codes will definitely contribute to both the audience and the industry. Although Bahar is an adapted series, it came to life with a new interpretation. I think this is one of the reasons why our series is so loved. “It is an honor to be involved in such a business.”