Artists News Onur Seyit Yaran, despite his young age, set a good example for young people with his mature attitude!

Onur Seyit Yaran, despite his young age, set a good example for young people with his mature attitude!

Onur Seyit Yaran, who attracted great attention with the character of Doruk in the TV series Kardeşlerim (For My Family), thinks that being a famous person does not change him. Stating that he has a small circle of friends, whom he considers as his second family, besides his family, the actor said that he spends time with them and always tells the truth.

Explaining that she chose her circle of friends, the actor actually thinks that this friendship environment gave his the opportunity to see the change in himself. Onur Seyit Yaran said:

“My friends who have known me for years. They know what I’m angry about, what I’m upset about, they know when I’m happy. They know me well, and I know them well. That’s why they are so supportive of me in this process. Because if I’m good with them, I understand that something is going well. I understand from my relationship with them that I have not changed, spoiled or spoiled. I always remind them of this, I suggest. If I do something wrong, if you see that I have changed or differentiated, I say warn me first. They also stand by me and tell the truth.”

The character of Doruk has become a very popular person on social media. Especially the love of Asiye and Doruk was a great career opportunity for this young couple in the TV series Kardeşlerim.

Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun and Onur Seyit Yaran endeared themselves to the masses and achieved great popularity.

However, Onur Seyit Yaran, who argues that fame does not change him, said, “I think this popularity brings a great responsibility. Instead of being spoiled, we should think that we are an example to many young people without realizing it. I think I have to be very careful about this. It seems very risky to me to have the potential to set a wrong example for someone without even realizing it. I always try to be careful. I think I should not set a bad example for anyone without realizing it.”

With these words on the youtube channel of Sabah newspaper, Onur Seyit Yaran proved that he is a responsible celebrity at his young age.

Explaining that he knows that many young people take his as an example and that his popularity brings a responsibility, the actor thinks that it is not possible for his to be spoiled because he is at this level of consciousness.