Series News Season 3 of The Promise series will be full of surprises!

Season 3 of The Promise series will be full of surprises!

Series Turkish

The first two seasons of The Promise series, which attracted great attention, passed away to the audience early due to the coronavirus epidemic. The series, which will complete the season on June 19 in normal planning, ended 1.5 months early … Preparations for the third season of the feed series started. The most important change will be on Özge Yağız.

Reyhan character played by Özge Yağız, who left the series, did not die in the second season finale. Many viewers were waiting for Reyhan to die. In this development, will another actress play the role of Reyhan? caused the question to be asked.

New episodes of the series could not be shot because of the coronavirus outbreak. However, when there were too many episodes waiting in stock, it was able to meet the series audience until May.

No special preparation was made for the season finale. Therefore, there is no answer to the question of what Reyhan character is.

Gökberk Demirci, who plays the character of Emir, who answers the question of the 3rd season of the evening newspaper, gave the following detail for the new season:

“I am sure that a very heavy and difficult period is waiting for Emir. I think a heavy drama is waiting for us. But life continues on the other hand. and the life is full of surprises. Let’s see what time it will show … I am trying to walk in a successful, correct way. As I am given the opportunity, as I see fit. Yes, we will continue where we left with Emir in Season 3. ”

Explaining that they have achieved a very good harmony with Özge Yağız, Gökberk Demirci said, “Thank God we have become partners.”