Series News How did the greetings ritual of the Miracle Doctor series come about?

How did the greetings ritual of the Miracle Doctor series come about?

Series Turkish

In the Miracle Doctor series, Ali Vefa plays the character Taner Ölmez. The fair character is played by Reha Özcan. The scenes of Ali Vefa and Adil are the most crucial moments of the series … Many viewers learn a lot thanks to these scenes. Scenes in which trust in each other and a pure state of trust are reflected are reflected in the hearts of the audience.

Özge Özder hosted on the youtube channel of her co-star Reha Özcan. Özder said that the Adil and Ali scenes have a special place for everyone. “The Adil and Ali scenes have taken a completely different place in our hearts for all of us,” he said.

Ali Vefa’s popular way of giving salute by touching the right hand on the left hand and the left hand on the right shoulder and arm became popular. Especially during the coronavirus epidemic, when social distance was important, many people preferred this greeting.

“I use it in life,” said Reha Özcan.

It is written in the script that ‘they hug each other without touching’.

Reha Özcan said, “We found the shape ourselves. They even made suggestions such as do it. We said we will do it as we want with Taner and we did it.”

Reha Özcan, who explained that the appreciation of this greeting is because it is sincere, said that such a thing could not be done by designing it.

Özge Özder stated that she found this greeting very naive and very natural and added that she was very popular because she was sincere.

Reha Özcan, who stated that he met characters like Ali Vefa several times in his life, also stated that there are many such people in life.