Artists News Şükrü Özyıldız sees his profession as the greatest luxury of his life!

Şükrü Özyıldız sees his profession as the greatest luxury of his life!

Famous actor Şükrü Özyıldız has been on the agenda with two different projects recently. The actor, who once again made his fans smile with the romantic comedy film Love Tactics 2, released on Netflix, also continues to work on the set for the new Fox TV series Ruhun Duymaz.

Partnering with Demet Özdemir in the movie Aşk Tactics 2, the actor received great applause from his fans with his effective performance in the romantic comedy story.

Another romantic comedy story in the new series Ruhan Duymaz, which started in the summer and is planned to continue in the winter season if good ratings come in. This time, you will be able to watch Şükrü Özyıldız on the screen as a partner with Burcu Özberk.

The audience, who is very curious about Ruhun Duymaz, whose first episode will be broadcast on July 24, will have the opportunity to watch Şükrü Özyıldız’s roles in the same genre one after the other.

Şükrü Özyıldız answered questions from his fans after the release of the movie Love Tactics 2.

In the video published on the official channel of Netflix on Youtube, the actor also gave important information about himself.

Stating that it is beautiful to be like himself, not like the roles she plays, the actor said, “To live others in myself, which is a luxury given by acting.”

The actor, who sees playing different characters as a great luxury for himself, explained that he drives a good car and can do various sports very successfully.

Şükrü Özyıldız also mentioned that Istanbul, where he lives, is a beautiful and fascinating city. The actor said, “I love Istanbul, but at the same time, my heart is that colorful arrays like the plateau in the Netherlands, that architecture. And that place is very fascinating to me,” he said.

Mentioning that he intends to use social media more every year, the actor stated that his favorite platform is Instagram for himself.