Series News The breaking point has been reached in the story of the series “Aldatmak” starring Vahide Perçin!

The breaking point has been reached in the story of the series “Aldatmak” starring Vahide Perçin!

Series Turkish

The ATV series called Aldatmak (Deception) seems to be one of the series that continues on its way successfully on Thursday evenings. There is a process where Vahide Perçin enchants her fans with her distinguished character. The viewers, who are pleased with the return of the master actress to the screen, show great interest in the character of Güzide in the series “Aldatmak”, although not as much as the Hünkar character in the TV series Bir Zamanlar Çukurova (Once Upon time a Çukurova).

Vahide Perçin became the gripping name of the series and managed to impress a large audience as Güzide, the most dominant character of the story. The ninth episode in the story of the series “Aldatmak” is left behind.

The story of the series has become very complex. Oylum’s lies continue. While Yeşim was following Tarık, she was caught by Güzide. While Yeşim begged Güzide to keep this situation between them, she pretended to return home before her lie was revealed. Güzide, on the other hand, felt that she had left everything behind and started a new life with her children and her job.

It was noteworthy that Oylum found herself in the hospital when she was going to go abroad and collapsed because she could not go to the USA.

The armed raid on Ozan’s workplace resulted in the death of Ozan’s boss. Hearing the news, Güzide immediately set off to the scene, but had an accident!

In the new episode of the Aldatmak series, it will be revealed what will happen after the traffic accident that Güzide experienced. There will be a breaking point in the series. It should not be surprising if the distinguished looks at life from a different point of view after this accident.