Series News The cast of the Yanık Ülke series draws great attention!

The cast of the Yanık Ülke series draws great attention!


The preliminary preparations and the casting process of the TV series, Yanık Ülkü (Burn Country), which is expected to meet with the audience in the new season on Fox TV, continue.

The information that the cast of the series is also at the completion stage was reflected in the media. Gonca Vuslateri, Serkan Çayoğlu and Ayça Ayşin Turan are the leading roles in the series prepared by Süreç Film.

The cast of the series also includes names such as Sanem Babi and Nazlı Bulum. The series was also reflected in the press with the participation of child actor Çınar Yükselçeker. Yükceker previously played the character of Yakup in the drama series called Ateş Kuşları (Firebirds).

Mehmet Aykaç was the name to portray the character of “Savaş” in the Yanık Ülke series. Aykaç, who will play a lawyer in the series, which will be broadcast on FOX in the new season, will meet his fans with the new series.

From the third week of July, the team will come together for rehearsals. The lively moments in the Yanık Ülke series, where hair, make-up and reading rehearsals will be made, will start from the third week of July.

The story of the series, which will be directed by Benal Tairi, is written by a group of screenwriters consisting of 4 people.