Series News The last 3 episodes in ‘A Little Murder’

The last 3 episodes in ‘A Little Murder’

Series Turkish

MertFirat, GokceBahadır, AslıhanGurbuz, TülinÖzen and Badeİşçil’s 29 episodes were published.

In the last part of the series, we can understand from the interpretations that the intrigue dose is getting better and the audience is better.

“It’s a very different set, a constant intrigue. Merve is playing superbly, if not it will not be so colorful. ”

But we can see the rebellion of a lot of viewers who think differently and start to bullshit over the Merve character now.

Some audiences even exaggerate the situation, and we come across a number of fan clubs that post social media messages that they are watching just because they wonder who was killed, saying that “Even if the minor murders are over, we will get rid of it.”

“I seriously seriously are trying to make a lot of bullshit of this series,” the viewers who are angry with the production team and screenwriter Meriç Acemi…

“They also received awards and they must have been punished for being bullshit. we can not really believe how this series is getting awards, ” they says, expressing their anger.

In the 30th episode trailer, “The best way to hide a thing is to do it in everyone” is remarkable.

Another detail in the fragment is that the last 3 divisions have been entered …

The ‘A Little Murder’ series walks into the finals and we can witness the stage in the last 3 episodes that will amaze the audience.